Trusted timestamps on Stellar blockchain

Transactions in a blockchain are marked by an unique identifier and a UTC timestamp. Linking a transaction to an external public document means that you can assign a certified timestamp to it. ...

August 11, 2019 · Fabio Pani

Create and buy/sell tokens on Stellar blockchain

If you enjoy coding in Python and want to explore the Stellar blockchain, here is a very basic tutorial to learn how to create a custom token and trade it in the Stellar built-in marketplace. ...

April 28, 2019 · Fabio Pani

How to search for vanity XLM wallets using Python

Stellar blockchain quickly became my favourite one because of its lightness, versatility and ease of use. Other than exchange Lumen, the native coin (XLM), with Stellar it is possible to create our own tokens, use the built-in marketplace, create smart contracts and so on. On public, testing or even private blockchain. ...

April 13, 2019 · Fabio Pani